
I call him #MosstheBOSS! When he says ALL, he literally means ALL!! EVERY child, teacher, and administrator in your district will grow! You can count on it!”
— Davida Hunt - English Teacher
Dr. Moss has a unique talent of being both an inspiring visionary and a detailed coach. Because of Dr. Moss’s insight and resourcefulness, I clearly see the role that merging culture and climate, communicating clear expectations, and effective data analysis plays in effective leadership. Collaborating with him gave me the tools needed to be successful in any leadership position.
— K. Patrice Beamon - Elementary School Principal
The Mississippi Legislative Black Caucus is appreciative of the depth of knowledge and organizational skills shown by Mr. Moss. Mr. Moss coordinated and moderated a tele-town hall with education professionals throughout the state. The call has received rave reviews. Thank you and keep up the great work!
— Senator Angela Turner Ford - Chair, Mississippi Legislative Black Caucus
“Dr. Moss is amazing and full of knowledge! He provided us with needed support in the areas of effective instructional leadership and ELA instruction. The teachers and administrators were able to implement recommendations immediately because they were based on theory and real-life applications to support teaching and learning!”
— Dr. Debra Dace - Superintendent
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